Thursday, September 8, 2011

Glorious News Under the Mantle of Our Lady

I’m deciding to share this news with you on a most fitting feast day – The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On Ash Wednesday of this year (March 9, 2011) some prayer warriors from my church, St. Joan of Arc in Phoenix, starting showing up at our neighborhood abortuary to pray weekly for the end of abortion.  We joined an existing valley initiative named Our Lady’s Mantle and, armed with rosary beads, prayer booklets and hearts fixed on the Lord, we took our love of the unborn to the streets to offer peaceful, prayerful vigil for our littlest brothers and sisters who were dying just a few blocks away from our parish.  

We wanted Planned Parenthood Thunderbird to know what so many people already know about abortion. It is bad for women, bad for our community and deadly for our unborn brothers and sisters.

We showed up with some informational signs, (not torches and pitchforks).  The signs simply stated that women and men regret their abortions.  You would have been amazed at all of the people who paid attention to those signs.  Thanks Karl.

We showed up with some love & compassionate understanding for those who suffer from our abortion-wounded culture.  We were pelted with raw eggs, and raw emotional outbursts but we did not return the hostility.  This was not easy, but we have a great Teacher.

We showed up with some prayer.  And boy did we have backup!  Father, with the assistance of Carol and a few others instituted Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at our parish on the 7th of May.   The Poor Clares out in Tonopah lifted our intentions weekly.  The understatement of the century: “ I think it worked.”

We showed up with consistency.  Examples abound:
·      My dear, anonymous friend who made our first ‘offering of suffering’ by literally leaving part of her chin skin on the sidewalk on opening day.
·      My pastor who showed up in his “Sin Fighting Suit” at the hottest times of the day—later joined by my husband, Ron.
·      The kids who showed up from their afternoon RE class with Jim and Linda.
·      The abortion-wounded women who courageously thanked us for our witness.
·      The green truck that was always joyously honking a triumphal thumbs up.
·      The friendly police officers who kept watch
·      Robbie, Laurie and Peg…my prayer warrior sisters who showed up rain and shine.  (Mostly blazing hot sunshine).
·      The Knights of Columbus & Mary M. on their Tuesday Night Vigil
·      Charlie, Ray and Jared; the men of the Fab Friday crew
·      The Thursday Ladies, Connie, Patricia, Pat, Linda, Maria and Kathleen
·      The stranger who gave us water bottles on more than one occasion
·      The good neighbors who told us to keep up the good fight.
·      Rebecca, the Avon Lady, who kept vigil next door to the abortuary and allowed us to keep our signs in her windows
·      The boutique: who offered their ongoing prayers.
·      The many individuals who suffered either physically or mentally- for the protection of those on the sidewalk

And most importantly, we showed up with our most powerful advocate…Our Lady.  Thanks for securing that wonderful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, Sheila.  Her presence spoke volumes.

There is one thing that the people of Planned Parenthood do not understand about Our Mother.  She has an abiding love for her children.  She hates the evil that is abortion and she is imploring us to change our culture at the Calvary that exists in these Planned Parenthood facilities.  She uses her daughters and sons on the sidewalk to remind Planned Parenthood that she is here for them too.  She longs for them with a Mother’s love.  She wants to wrap them in her mantle and take them to herself and show them that they do not need to shed any more innocent blood.  She admonished us to persevere at the sidewalk and she promised that Her Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ would be there with us.

So we followed Our Lady’s direction and we are so happy to know that God heard our prayers.  No longer will this Planned Parenthood at 32nd and Thunderbird offer abortion services.  May God be praised.   Lifesite News Article about the Abortion Changes

We continue to offer prayer and sacrifices for the conversion of all who participate in this abomination.  We have not given up on Jackie, the nurse practitioner, her staff and the other Planned Parenthood Clinics that are still operating. There is room for them in our midst.  There is still some time to change.  I say that with great experience, for I was once like them.   

Our Lady’s initiative of peaceful, prayerful vigil will continue. The clinic website states that they will be offering abortion referrals and the morning after pill, so our work is not yet finished.  But one day…one glorious, blissful day, there will be a “For Lease” sign in the window of the Planned Parenthood clinic at 32nd street and Thunderbird. 

Until THAT day, I’ll see you on the sidewalk.

Under the Mantle,

1 comment:

  1. Praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and His Immaculate Mother Mary, whose image I have been humbly allowed to hold on that hellishly hot sidewalk. May She in Her incredible tenderness and love for all, continue to support us as we pray at PP. Thank you, Karen, for your strength and determination which is so inspiring to all of us who stand with you under Our Lady's Mantle.
