Sunday, December 30, 2012

It all starts with US

Many of us wonder how just one person can make any impact at all in the seemingly monumental Culture of Death. lt is easy for us to believe we are small and insignificant voices compared to the complex marketing machinery that comprises the opposing viewpoint. But let's reconsider this idea. In fact, as this video demonstrates, we must reconsider this idea if we are to combat despair with hope.

During this Year of Faith, we must radiate like Mary whose single soul magnified the Lord.
We must think like Paul who saw his weakness as strength.  We must fight like Joan of Arc who courageously delivered France during one of history's darkest ages. We must collapse our pride like Therese of Lisieux and become like little children, for it is in truth of innocence that we will win the most stubborn and calloused souls.

What one thing can you do in the coming year to spread Christ's fragrance?
Create Hope? Defend Life?
Let us be about His business.
La Chaim!

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