Thursday, January 27, 2011

The 2011 March for Life & the story the media won't tell you

I never thought that ventilating my abortion testimony to my friend LeeAnne one spring morning at a Starbucks would ever lead to this.  The testimony itself had always been in me.  It peeked out once or twice in the confessional and in therapists office.  It was also known by my friend, Kay at First Way since she was the one who motivated me to be of service to the abortion-minded by peer counseling at her Pregnancy Resource Center.
Alveda King and Patti Palmer

But it came vomiting out of me that one spring morning after I began toying with the idea of using it to get through to the women we were sidewalk counseling.  I thought, "there must be something in my experience that could tear down a few bricks from their walls here".  Another friend, Melanie, volunteered to help me work it out with pen and paper.  This I did over a few days, through tears and over many pages.  It seemed odd to me that this singular trauma was now confined to about 5 or 6 typed pages, but there it was in all of its technicolor ugliness.  I felt proud of my efforts.  I completed the mission.

Or so I thought.

Then the bargaining began. Though you will be pleased to know that I do not hear voices, I did receive a prompting coming from someplace within me to read the testimony to others who may not know how abortion actually hurts women. I don't mind public speaking, but this was a rather raw subject and I wasn't quite sure I could muster the courage necessary to deliver it. I told the Prompter that if an opportunity arrived in Chandler (a galaxy far, far away from my home), that maybe I would consider it. Prompter - which I now recognize to be the 3rd Person of the Holy Trinity - responded with an irresistible opportunity much further away than Chandler.

Payson is located about 75 miles to the Northeast of Phoenix and this is what called out to me over Twitter through a dear soul named Deacon Tom Fox. He and his pro-life group wanted to know how to get more involved in pro-life ministry and had heard about the sidewalk counseling efforts being formulated here in Phoenix.  He did not know, at that time, that I had an abortion story. I felt that I could trust this man and over a few phone calls we arranged what was to be the "almighty delivering of the abortion testimony" Payson.  He's not even in my Diocese for Goodness sake!  With testimony in hand and some other pro-life resources, I transported myself up to Payson a few summers ago and told my story to Tom, his wife, Dee and about 16 other virtual strangers. I blubbered through most of it.  These patient, holy people do not realize what was to flow from that summer day in 2009.

So, what God began in the confessional in 1996, here it was, continuing onward 13 years later.  The cogs and sprockets of healing sometimes turn indiscernibly slow.

I boarded my 737 bound for DC last Sunday, the newly released book, "Unplanned" by Abby Johnson in hand, thanks to my friend Sheila.  I was off to the March for Life with 12 others from Phoenix Silent No More to tell my testimony in front the Supreme Court.  "Is this for real?" I thought to myself.  As I have mentioned before, it is hard for one woman to share her abortion story.  But there were 11 of us that were equipped and flying here to do this.  Something much more supernatural is going on.

Tanya, Rebecca, Patti, Linda, Brenda & Carol
I need to say a special note of thanks to Debbi Gambert and all of the SNM Phoenix Ladies who became inspired after a Rachel's Vineyard retreat to make this trip a reality.  Karen O. led the RV retreat with Tanya and Richard working on team.  Margie, Monica, Linda, Brenda & Debbie attended as retreatants.  Debbi was the only lady who had ever made the DC journey.  She did so, solo, last year.  She was the Phoenix SNM Regional Coordinator then and she became our guiding light.  Somebody - I think it was Margie Cavolina - said "Hey, we should go the the DC March for Life".  This idea was a popular one and took me rather by surprise since this is my first year co-coordinating with Monica Jordan. Undaunted and inspired by their excitement, we begged like mendicants and raised enough cash to go as this large of a group.  Now that speaks volumes about this fine state.  I love Arizona, our faithful Bishop Olmsted and all of the Pro-Life friends including the Knights of Columbus who continually surround us with their support.

Getting my book signed by Abby 
Richard & Abby Johnson
I read exactly one half of Abby's book on my journey in the air to DC.  It was riveting.  She counts as her experience both the pro-choice and pro-life perspectives.  She mentions the varying degrees of sidewalk counseling – the lunatic fringe who galvanize the pro-choice efforts and the prayer warrior types who care about both baby and mom and captivated the hearts of some in the abortion industry.  We seemed to be living in a parallel universe...hers in Bryan, TX and mine in Phoenix, AZ. Needless to say, I could not put the book down.  This tome became the bookends of my trip as I met Abby Johnson at a book signing in the lobby of the Hyatt on Monday morning and then completed the reading on my way back to Phoenix. For anyone involved in Sidewalk Counseling or in Pro-life work of any sort, you need to read this book.  And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Wheels down in DC, I found my motley crew in the crypt church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  Fitting! Covered in Our Lady's Mantle, (you'll hear more about that later), there we were among 10,000 other pro-life faithful.  St. Raphael is a very effective intercessor by the way. Thanks Candida :-)

From here on, the story gets Forrest Gumpish…

Viv, Monica, Linda, renda, Karen, Margie, Tanya & Debbi
After the Mass we were invited to a small reception in the suite of Janet Morana (Priests for Life) and Georgette Forney (Anglicans for Life) where we finalized morning rally plans and met a few more brothers and sisters who were in town to tell their stories. Father Frank Pavone and Theresa Burke (Rachel’s Vineyard Foundress) were there to meet and greet and I was warmly comforted by family environment that had enveloped that room almost immediately.  Though my stomach was completely empty from the day’s journey, I felt filled up as I looked around the room seeing our Phoenix contingency and the other men and women engaged in joyful conversation and anticipatory energy.  I found it profoundly ironic that all of us were here because of a stark & horrifying tragedy that united all of us.  Could it be that God was within our wounds? Continually healing?  Perpetually transforming?

The next morning we ate breakfast at the Billy Goat Tavern across from our Washington Court Hotel.  Cheapest breakfast near capitol hill, I’m certain.  Many of us were dressed 4 layers deep with clothing, hats, gloves, scarves and mufflers.  3 of us, myself included, made the ridiculous commitment to stand on the Rally Stage holding our “I Regret My Abortion” signs.  Ridiculous because it was only about 28 degrees and because we were to stand motionless for 90 minutes.  This had about as much appeal to me as a blood draw but I did it because Debbi’s gentle gaze somehow penetrated my resistance with something that felt like – “this trip was a gift; let’s really show our donors that AZ is here” .
Karen O, me and "Alabama Kristy"

So along with Monica, Karen O. and my new friend “ Alabama, Kristy”, I soldiered up to that rally stage.  On the mall, in front of a sea of about 30,000 human beings, here I am – advertising the fact that I regretted my abortion.  I do admit that I felt a bit like I was on an executioner’s block.  “There’s no more hiding this.  I have literally OUTED myself.”  Was this a good idea?  What would my parents have thought?  My brothers?  If there was any discretion about this part of my life before, consider it evaporated.  Actually, I think moments like this might be referred to as defining moments, but I’ll do some more thinking about that.

And then I relaxed.  4 Cardinals joined us on stage with the March's founder Nellie Gray and prayed.  They greeted us as they passed by and thanked us for our courage.  Wa?  They were thanking us!  How amusing!  A small crowd of empty chairs was behind me; they were eventually filled by 60 pro-life members of the freshmen class of congress.  Led by Eric Cantor I found it increasingly difficult to follow Georgette’s simple yet explicit direction to remain statuesque.  We met many of our elected officials as they filed around us to make it to their microphone moment. One guy (I forget his name and district) actually snapped a pic of Karen and I and told us to look for it later on Facebook! Jean Schultz (R-OH) introduced us to Trent Franks (R-AZ) when she learned of our  impressive AZ number.  “Hey Trent – here’s some of your people”.  Trent was eager to greet us and invite us up to 2253 Raeburn for a reception later that afternoon.  And it went on and on.  And it did, literally.  Give a politician a microphone, and they will use it.  Give 60 of them a chance to speak….and you’ll turn a 90 minute rally into a rally-a-thon in good order.

The March was scheduled to begin at 1:30pm. It was now 2pm and we were still on stage. I looked behind me and happened to notice a perplexed Georgette gazing at the March which was already underway.  Oh my...we are supposed to be at the front of that March.  Off we flew, down the steps, across the grass and over to the growing hoard of folks.  Run Forrest Run!!  What I describe next is nothing short of a miracle...we had to snake our way into the Marchers and make it a city block (a really, really long way) to meet up with the rest of our SNM group.  This, all so that we will make it to the Supreme Court Steps to give our testimony:  THE REASON WE FLEW HERE TO BEGIN WITH. 

Tanya, Carol and Viv
Margie, Rudy, Karen O, David, Monica
By the time we reached our group. We defined our next task as "Syncopation 101".   To anyone who has ever marched in a marching band, you will appreciate the word "cadence". It was lost on most of the group save for one or two of us.  The important part to understand was that by the time we reached Constitution Avenue we determined that the only way to stay UNIFIED was to link arms, chant and pace our steps with the chant.  So as we chanted WE WILL BE we stepped SILENT NO MORE step.  WE WILL BE (step) SILENT NO MORE (step).  It worked.  Before ya know it, we were joined by the cheering crowd as we made our turn and stood between the Capitol Building and The Supreme Court. It was unity that made our voices heard.  The same unity that Cardinal DiNardo mentioned in his homily on Sunday night.  

And to me, this was the most glorious moment. It was hard not to hold back the gush of emotion that I encountered right then and there.  The crowd parted like the red sea and they gave way to all of us to speak our truth. We made our way to the podium where another degree of freedom set in as we allowed the words to flow ceaselessly from our lips.  Every one of us - beautifully and eloquently - told our stories.  We were Silent No More...
 Father Frank and Georgette Forney
 Janet Morana and Karen
 Me, Monica, Richard, Tanya, Brenda, Linda Margie and Karen O.
Richard & Tanya
Brenda, Margie and Karen O.

I am grateful to these sisters and brothers: Debbi, Monica, Viv, Carol, Patti, Karen O, Linda, Brenda, Richard, Tanya, Margie and Rudy. Grateful for their courageous witness.  I think it was Viv who wrote an email to me later that said, "It switched from us being tourists having a great time, getting to know each other, to getting inside your very souls; feeling your pain and  sharing your emotions.  I'm a changed person for the experience."  

Patti and Brenda
There is a great need in our lifetime - right here and right now - to speak out boldly and strongly about abortion.  But we must do so with unity and with love.  We need to lock arms, plan well, fortify ourselves through prayer and sacraments and be willing to endure a little pain. (And if it's cold, dress in layers. Ha!)  But it will be worth it.  
Life always is. 
There is power in a Word.  Power in a story.  Power to change a life....and power to change a hurting world. Way to go AZ Baker's are the needed leaven.

Margie and Rudy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Speechless....well not quite

I am rarely speechless as some of you undoubtedly know. But today I've been wandering around pinching myself at the events that have taken place over the last few days.  As you know, a group of us, nicknamed the Arizona Baker's Dozen traveled to Washington DC for the annual March and Rally for Life.  All 13 of us had some experience with the pain and suffering caused by abortion.  11 of us prepared testimonials to read before the steps of the Supreme Court as is our mission with the SNM Awareness Campaign. This campaign exists to tell the truth about abortion from the perspective of real men and women who have actually endured this trauma. We now owe a debt of gratitude for so many miracles worked, friendships forged, strength recaptured and prayers answered.

All praise and glory to God, our mission is accomplished.  No casualties, no flames, no wreckage. That's due to prayer because in pro-life work, there is plenty of opportunity. I would like to recognize the following spiritual warriors who deserve my gratitude and profound thanks:  Ron, Candida, Char, LeeAnne, Sheila, Robbie, Ray, Christy, Father Don, Father Nick, Deacon Tom, The Arizona Knights of Columbus, St. Joan of Arc Respect Life. St. Mary Magdalene, St. Frances de Sales, St. Raphael, St. Agnes and St. Philomena.  Also thanks to the families of those who traveled and stayed home to care for children, cook the meals, do the laundry and earn livings.  You all were lifted in prayer at the Basilica.  You made it possible for us to witness and to work for a cause to which we are all consecrated.

I think I'll try to recap all of this for you but that's going to have to be when I have a few more brain cells.  For now, please enjoy the view from the cheap seats...
 A few of us site seeing ...
 Viv and the Washington Monument in her background.
 Brenda marches with all of us up Capitol Hill
 Richard - one of two brave men in our group soldiering on in the march
Father Frank (Priests for Life)  and Georgette Forney (Anglicans for Life) at the podium in front of the Supreme Court.
 Linda looks on as we listened to about 46 testimonies read
Monica, my partner as Co-Regional Coordinator of Phoenix Silent No More proclaims her testimony

And I could go on and on.  There is healing in the wound. Light shines brilliantly through the broken glass. And God continues to write straight with crooked lines.
More on that tomorrow.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A People in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

and that light is the light of the nations--Jesus Christ.

I post this morning from a DC Starbucks just a few blocks away from the nation's capitol.  It's an awesome site.  The seat of power of the free world.  As I followed a myriad of directions that included maneuvers through three major highways on my way in from Dulles, I actually stumbled into the capitol complex, dumbstruck when the Washington Memorial was standing there right in front of me.  To the left was the stately, square Lincoln memorial.  Just as I remembered it in the 5th grade.

I love our country.  It's rebellious history, it's varieties of cultural influences, it's sturdy perseverance, it's commitment to democracy and governance of, by and for the people. It's love of freedom.  We have experienced the many fruits of that freedom in abolishing slavery, giving women the right to vote and allowing individuals chances to pursue life, liberty and happiness in ways never before encountered in civilization.  I remain grateful that I am an American; grateful to enjoy such freedoms and privileges and to live in such an exceptional country.

Yet I am reminded often that our country is still in its adolescence in many regards and this freedom concept seems to capture that sentiment.  Like teenagers so often do, we have tested the boundaries of our freedoms and the results have continued to reveal that we are desperately in need of a correction.  We have tested the patience of our Creator by continually failing to see His image in all humanity.  We have abused our freedoms and run afoul of its boundaries when our most vulnerable citizens are slaughtered, desecrated and cast off as rubbish.

We live in the shadowlands.

One of the great freedoms that I relish is the ability to worship as I choose.  Last night we celebrated Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  It was a glorious spectacle of about 10,000 worshippers and literally hundreds of clergy.  Cardinal DiNardo was correct in giving the most auspicious recognition to the immense number of young people that came out for the events of the National March for Life. The cardinal's homily fixated on this dark/light contrast.  He reminded us that we are a people in need of a Savior, but he encouraged us to be hope-filled witnesses to the true Light of the world which is Christ.

It was hard not to be swept away by the liturgy, it's glorious chant, incense and listening to many thousand people belt out "Crown Him with Many Crowns".  It took 25 minutes for the priest processional to conclude - an amazing site, indeed.  More than anything though, I felt like I was with my brothers and sisters.  United under that bond of peace so often spoken of. Though I came from many miles away, I am among my kin when I enter the liturgy.  And Christ is truly present among us.

To be united. United in our common freedoms and struggles, united with our brothers and sisters, no matter how old or how young.

We March to the Supreme Court this afternoon and give our Silent No More testimonies in 30 degree deep freeze.  This is culture shock for this Phoenix girl.   Here are some pics of the Mass last night and friends we met with afterwards.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Abortion Testimony

DC Testimony                                         January 24,  2011 March for Life

My name is Karen Williams from Phoenix, AZ.  I was 21 years old when I made the worst decision of my life.  With a pre-meditative will and without reservation, I took the life of another human being who was innocent, vulnerable and unsuspecting.  I was never held accountable for the life I took because of what a previous Supreme Court determined was legal and now praised as reproductive freedom.

I was a junior at Michigan State University in when I visited the East Lansing Planned Parenthood clinic in 1987.  For weeks I had agonized that I might be pregnant and the stunning confirmation of this fact was delivered to me while I stood in a hallway surrounded by strangers.  Life as I knew it, had just changed for the worse.  Through hot, angry tears, I sobbed that I could NOT be pregnant. I would have no part of a baby-limited future.  I was in a disconnected panic as I concluded that my promiscuity had finally caught up to me. How could a nice girl like me end up in a predicament like this? How could I deliver this news to my parents, family, friends, and floormates where I was a Resident Assistant. I felt alone, scared and out of options. I reached for the only conclusion that could deaden the pain.  Abortion was not the ideal, but it was a solution…an easy way out that could be kept secret.  A choice.

A very attractive clinic employee clad in business attire reassured me that I need not feel afraid or guilty for choosing abortion. She herself had multiple abortions and was grateful for having the power to be able to control the size and spacing of her family.  This was my final edification. Even though my boyfriend agreed to marry me, I would make the final, fatal decision for our baby. I chose my body, my plan and my convenience over his life.

Numbed by twilight sedation, my conscience in self-inflicted exile, I allowed my accomplices – the abortionist and his nurse-witness – to rip from my uterus, my tiny, 10 week old son. His small frame captured on ultrasound only a week earlier was now in pieces in a plastic container.  They tell us that Abortion is good for women; that it is necessary.  That it prevents us from being punished with unwanted children.  Let me tell you that this is a bold-faced lie. The sights, sounds and smells of that day in January still haunt me.  The images are as fresh today as they were 24 years ago.

The years following my abortion included inexplicable depression, anxiety, alcoholism and addiction; and divorce from the baby’s father in 1990.  I am a living statistic. But thanks be to God and His grace working through people just like you, my story does not end there.

I found miraculous grace, healing and recovery from our Great Physician, Jesus Christ and the Sacraments of His church.  Telling my story, first in the confessional and later to others whom I trusted thrust my secret out of the dark cavity of numbness where I had placed it and into God’s marvelous light where I could find forgiveness and healing.  The dirty little secret of abortion must be exposed for what it is – it is a failure of Love. A failure with fatal consequences.  We deserve better for our mothers, our sisters, our nieces, our neighbors, daughters, sons and brothers…. 

Members of Congress/Justices of the Supreme Court: The great state of Arizona wants you to know that The American People deserve better than the lie that is abortion.  That is why they sent 13 of use here to stand before you today.  Because of my first hand experience, I am responsible for speaking the truth in love about abortion and its countless victims. Because of our Constitution, you are responsible for promoting a just society where the most fundamental rights of our littlest brothers and sisters are protected.  In the name of all that is Good, please hear us and act upon this most urgent need of our day….let us work together to end the killing.  May we all be a light and witness to others so that the horror of abortion will exist only as a sad and futile relic of a bygone era in our nation’s history.
That is why I am Silent No More. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Arizona Bakers Dozen Goes to Washington!

The AZ Baker's Dozen = Folks making the trek to the DC March for Life.  (*) indicates will be delivering a testimony on the Steps of the Supreme Court this Monday with Father Frank Pavone, Dr. Alveda King and many, many more:
Monica Jordan *
Brenda Cole *
Tanya Gallegos *
Richard Perea
Linda Diamond *
Margie Cavolina *
Debbi Gambert *
Karen Williams *
Carol Carnese *
Karen Ord *
Rudy Cavolina
Patti Palmer *
Viv Elder (supports SNM)

I share the post of Regional Coordinator of the Phoenix Chapter of Silent No More with a sister in Christ - Monica Jordan.  At first, I felt like Simeon: pressed into service at the behest of a soldier named "Obligation".  It was my turn to carry the freight, so to speak.  I had already been doing a good bit of pro-life work so I figured that this would fit reasonably into my schedule.  One thing I had not counted on was the inspiration & fighting spirit of these women (and men) warriors.  It is a small group but I found out right away that they are MIGHTY.  Soon we were sharing our horror stories; soon we were seeing how the light was shining through all of the broken glass.  Was God about to do something great in us?

You betcha.

It was Margie who suggested the DC March For Life 2011 back in September.  It was seconded, thirded and then lauded as all our heads were nodding, including my own.  How shall we pay for this?  To Whom should we go?  God answered our prayers and the pro-life folks of the Phoenix metropolitan area know the rest of that story.  It was you.  Your prayers and your dollars afforded a baker's dozen of us to fly to DC to the March and tell our stories on the steps of the Supreme Court.

Yes, it is hard for one woman to get up in front of a room full of strangers and talk about her abortion.  We have been bolstered and inundated by prayers and support from those who know us and from virtual strangers.  But truly, I am in awe of the courage that I have witnessed over a few short months from Silent No More - Team Phoenix.  My hat is off to you.  They are following our Bishop's mandate to Love Christ above all things and to serve His Church.  So on behalf of the AZ Baker's Dozen, I would like to thank the following folks who have generously contributed to our cause.  I will spirit you along with me on our journey - most especially your intentions will be lifted at the Mass on Sunday evening.  I will keep a blog journal as well so check back often.

We love our Sponsors: 
Arizona Knights of Columbus / Herb Maddox
Knights of Columbus - Corpus Christi Council 10062
Knights of Columbus - St Benedict’s Council 12246
Knights of Columbus - St. Bridget Council 9800
Knights of Columbus -  Fr. Patterson Council #2131
Carolyn Diercksmeier
Margaret Hinski
Genny Jones
Father Don Kline 
The Leonards
Greg and Anne Myers
Florence Schultz
Judith Stroick
Ron Williams & Family
Bruce and Sharon Wolff

Please check back again and next post will be the actual testimony I will read from the steps of the Supreme Court.  I will also try to post pics to give you that behind the scenes perspective.  Technology is grand. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bishop Olmsted Addresses AZ Legislature Opening Session

UPDATE (01/10/11)

In light of the tragic shootings this weekend, Arizona’s 50th Legislative Session convened this afternoon in a subdued and somber fashion.

Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix gave the opening prayer at the Legislature today and prayed that such senseless violence never occurs again in Arizona. He also specifically prayed for Judge John Roll and all who died in this attack as well as for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and all who were wounded, as well as all their loved ones and all who care for them.

Additionally, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of the Diocese of Tucson is returning today from Jerusalem to comfort the people in his diocese and offer his prayers.

The prayers from Bishop Kicanas and Bishop Olmsted can both be found online

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


"If I could prescribe only one remedy for all the ills of the modern world, I would prescribe silence.  For even if the Word of God were proclaimed, no one would hear it; there is too much noise. Therefore, create silence."


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Feed the Flock: Where we are vs. Where we need to be

Well here we go again. At least the snarkyness is becoming more easily recognizable and almost predicable. (Or is it snakiness?) Okay, sure, I'll add two more products to my don't-touch-with-a-ten-foot-pole-until-they-change-their-marketing-strategy list. But I digress. what I think we're really talking about here are those Transcendentals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty again and I ALWAYS love this topic. It showed up over on the Chant Cafe here and the dialogue that ensued was rather exciting. To summarize:  Does the music at Mass over the last generation meet us where we are and elevate us or meet us where we are and leave us there?  I have a few opinions. 

A. The mass music of the past generation was well-intentioned I think.  Who knows...only God can judge motive, but I think there were many kind-hearted individuals plying their gifts in the service of the church who meant well and helped many people define and deepen their faith.  As a Catholic of 14 years and having never known Palestrina, I am a child of this era and I am grateful for having my unique experience of growing in the faith through music. The Haas, Maher, Cooney, Herd music was where I cut my Catholic teeth and I have gratitude in my heart for having this introduction. God does meet us where we are. 

B. I think what has happened is that the modernists, subjectivists and relativists have achieved a comfort level with a few of the standards that comprise parts of the transcendental virtue of beauty - radiance of form, unity, harmony and proportion.  Unity is the big kahuna here, (or should I say a false sense of unity).  since we fell dismally short of adhering to all 4 elements, what resulted was the fruit of self-worship.  God meets us where we are and realizes that we need help. 

C.  "The average musician can't sing chant."  That statement is simply not true.  Is there a suggestion that we have devolved as a society into an unteachable lot? In the post conciliar era, no one has tried (c'mon...really tried) yet and now with the new technology, there should be a groundswell of people trying it, liking it and carrying on with it.  It reminds me of the pro-choice manipulators that tell us that humans simply can't achieve a pure lifestyle - they are too stupid - so they give us birth control and contraception.  Average choristers simply can't sing beautiful music - they are too stupid - so we sing a dumbed-down version of muzak at the Mass.  This is an elitist defense and keeps people locked down and devalued rather than freeing them to their greater potentials. God meets us where we are; loves us with an everlasting love and refuses to leave us in the mire.

Which leads me to my final point:  If God actually thought the post-conciliar muzak way, it would sound something like this: "Humans cannot be redeemed - they are far too lost, and stupid - therefore let's play "Let's Pretend" and eat doritos and pepsi at mass.   

The fact of the Matter (and that pun was intended!) is that God loves us so much that he brings heaven to earth and changes simple substances of bread and wine into His Very Body and Blood.  He knows we are desperately in need of Him and are utterly and totally lost without Him. He set our feet on a rocky fastness; he bore us up on eagle pinions and brought us to himself.  If he refuses to leave us in our own evil devices then we should expect that God has greater plans for us than to just fumble around like fools. 

As we start a new year and on this most Marian of days...I think it's time to take a good, hard look at the year ahead with the following challenge...this quote by Williams Law is a terrifying indictment of the way things really are. And if we are serious about sainthood (and I would hope that you would be because it is how we will change the world) then situate your minds around this: 

“If you will look into your own heart in utter honesty, you must admit that there is one and only one reason why you are not even now a saint.  You do not wholly want to be.”

This is my indictment to. This year I will resolve to wholly want to be a saint. Care to join me?