I am rarely speechless as some of you undoubtedly know. But today I've been wandering around pinching myself at the events that have taken place over the last few days. As you know, a group of us, nicknamed the Arizona Baker's Dozen traveled to Washington DC for the annual March and Rally for Life. All 13 of us had some experience with the pain and suffering caused by abortion. 11 of us prepared testimonials to read before the steps of the Supreme Court as is our mission with the SNM Awareness Campaign. This campaign exists to tell the truth about abortion from the perspective of real men and women who have actually endured this trauma. We now owe a debt of gratitude for so many miracles worked, friendships forged, strength recaptured and prayers answered.
All praise and glory to God, our mission is accomplished. No casualties, no flames, no wreckage. That's due to prayer because in pro-life work, there is plenty of opportunity. I would like to recognize the following spiritual warriors who deserve my gratitude and profound thanks: Ron, Candida, Char, LeeAnne, Sheila, Robbie, Ray, Christy, Father Don, Father Nick, Deacon Tom, The Arizona Knights of Columbus, St. Joan of Arc Respect Life. St. Mary Magdalene, St. Frances de Sales, St. Raphael, St. Agnes and St. Philomena. Also thanks to the families of those who traveled and stayed home to care for children, cook the meals, do the laundry and earn livings. You all were lifted in prayer at the Basilica. You made it possible for us to witness and to work for a cause to which we are all consecrated.
I think I'll try to recap all of this for you but that's going to have to be when I have a few more brain cells. For now, please enjoy the view from the cheap seats...
A few of us site seeing ...
Viv and the Washington Monument in her background.
Brenda marches with all of us up Capitol Hill
Richard - one of two brave men in our group soldiering on in the march
Father Frank (Priests for Life) and Georgette Forney (Anglicans for Life) at the podium in front of the Supreme Court.
Linda looks on as we listened to about 46 testimonies read
Monica, my partner as Co-Regional Coordinator of Phoenix Silent No More proclaims her testimony
And I could go on and on. There is healing in the wound. Light shines brilliantly through the broken glass. And God continues to write straight with crooked lines.
More on that tomorrow.
Through the incredible miracles allowed by our God in His technology, I saw you on television, texted you on my iPhone and e-mailed you on my laptop. All this while it was happening in real time! Praying with you and for you - and for the end of the scourge of abortion, we remained united in this cause over the miles that separated us physically. Spiritually, when I attended the March for Life years ago, I experienced the same feelings of exhilaration, love and dedication. May this March obtain for us the repeal of this unjust law and the conversion of all those who close their eyes and ears to the plight of the unborn.