Monday, March 9, 2009

Kill All the Dependents

A friend of mine just posted an article you should read up at National Catholic Register. If you click on Catholic Edition on the badge to the right, you'll see the article in its entirety in column 2...The Culture of Death Trojan Horse?

Mark basically expounds on what our death-friendly legislators are up to now in enacting their new Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. What the authors of the new law want you to think is that good, big brother government just assisted the economy by providing needed changes to the health care system and remedies to help America's current financial crisis. In actuality, the new law brings us closer to a more European-ized health care rationing program which will put big brother in charge of determining whether you need that life saving treatment or perhaps putting it off a year or two.

The way I see it? Government's new death-laws act as book ends. Kill off anything dependent on either side of the age spectrum labeling it a "burden" and thereby create & galvanize a "master race" of producers. Sound eerie? I thought so.

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